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Summer Camp:
The lab students and faculty members participated in summer 2019 camp that took place in Raleigh.
Research Initiation: Leveraging Systems Thinking to Enhance the Holistic Formation of Engineers
As the world becomes increasingly complex, systems thinking continues to gain recognition as an important and necessary skill for future engineers. Systems thinking does not replace traditional technical skills required of engineers, but instead provides a complementary skill set to help better navigate complex systems and their corresponding problems. Systems thinking is defined as a way of framing how we see, interpret, make sense, and respond to the complex world we encounter on a daily basis. The increasing complexity of U.S. industries demands that universities train engineers with systems thinking skills to solve the range of interconnected problems companies may face. This project aims to understand the ability of engineering students to think at a system level in order to better fit their future engineering careers. The project provides essential insights into the preparation of 21st century engineering students with respect to systems thinking capability. By comparing student capabilities to the needs of employers, the current state of engineering education can be evaluated and modified. Better understanding students' systems thinking capability, as well as factors that may influence their capability, provides engineering educators with new knowledge to better inform preparation of future engineering students. This project helps to answer the need to have a large number of qualified engineers available for U.S. industry that can engage in higher levels of thinking required in complex systems problem domains.

The Best Graduate Paper Competition Award––Third Place
At the Forth North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM), entitled “Impact of a Cloud-Based Applied Supply Chain Network Simulation Tool on Developing Systems Thinking Skills of Undergraduate Students,” Toronto, Canada, Oct. 23-25, 2019.
The Best Doctoral Dissertation Competition Award––Third Place
At the Forth North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM), entitled “Development of an Instrument to Assess the Performance of Systems Engineers,” Toronto, Canada, Oct. 23-25, 2019.

The Best Poster Presentation Competition award -- First Place:
First place award in Art and Humanities Science category at Graduate Student Research Symposium, entitled “Personality Types and Level of Systems Thinking Skills,” Mississippi State University, Fall 2109.
Operational Risk Management
This book is developed to give businessperson the opportunity to learn operational risk management from a systems perspective and be able to readily put this learning into action, whether in the classroom or the office, coupled with their experience and respective discipline.

Call for Papers: Military and Government Systems Applications
Military and Government organizations looking forward to stay on the leading edge of communications development, smart infrastructure configuration, and efficient and effective service delivery through the design of complex systems. However, the complexity of the systems continues to increase because of the development of technologies and engineering. These complex systems or System of Systems (SOS) are the integration of individual systems and subsystems to create new capabilities that could not be achieved by individual systems. The aim behind this call is to explore how individuals and organizations can manage and understand complex systems in better way particularly SoS needs of the national security forces.
Mississippi State Professors Travel to Moroccan University to Discuss Student Transfer Program
Michael Hamilton, assistant professor and associate Director at the Institute for System Engineering Research (ISER), and Raed Jaradat, assistant professor in the Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) department traveled to Rabat, Morocco to provide a seminar on their respective research areas for the fourth and fifth-year students in the UIR College of Aerospace and to discuss with the faculty members the common research interests and the student exchange possibilities with UIR and MSU's ISE and ISER.

Mississippi State academic paper takes home three awards at national conference
The team of Mississippi State University engineering researches and assistant professor of industrial and systems engineering wrote a paper titled "Immersive Virtual Training Environment for Teaching Single- and Multi-Queuing Theory: Industrial Engineering Queuing Theory Concepts" and received the New Industrial Educator Outstanding Paper Award and the Industrial Engineering Division Best Paper Award. It was also selected as the best paper in Professional Interest Council 1, which is comprised of 12 different academic disciplines.