Published Articles

1. Lawrance, J. *, Hossain, N. *, Jaradat, R., & Hamilton M. (2020). A Bayesian network analysis of the vulnerability of supplier to disruptions following severe weather risk: A case study of the U.S. pharmaceutical supply chain following Hurricane Maria. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.(accepted).
2. Kerr, C. *, Jaradat, R., & Hossain, N*. (2020). Battle field mapping by an unmanned aerial vehicle swarm: Applied systems engineering processes and architectural considerations. IEEE access.
3. Nagahi, M.*, Jaradat, R., Goerger, S., Abutabenjeh, S., Hamilton, M., & Ma, J. (2020). The impact of practitioners’ personality preferences on their level of systems-thinking skills. Engineering Management Journal (in press).
4. Hossain, N.*, Nagahi, M.*, Jaradat, R., Shah, C.*, Hamilton, M., & Buchanan, R. (2020). Modeling and assessing cyber resilience of smart grid using Bayesian network based approach: A system of systems problem. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering (in press).
5. Abutabenjeh, S., Dayarathna, L.*, Nagahi, M.*, Jaradat, R., & Gordon, S. (2020) The perceived value of public procurement and contract management certification, International Journal of Procurement Management (in press).
6. Ma, J., Harstvedt, J. *, Jaradat, R., & Smith, B. (2020). Sustainability driven multi-criteria project portfolio selection under the uncertain decision-making environment. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 140, 106236.
7. Alizadeh, M.*, Ma, J., Mahdavi-Amiri, N.*, Shiripour, S., Marufuzzaman M., & Jaradat, R. (2019). A stochastic programming model for a capacitated location-allocation problem with heterogeneous demands . Computers and Industrial Engineering, 137, 106055.

8. Jaradat, R., Stirgus, E*, Ma, J. Buchanan, R., Hossain, N.*, & Burch, R. (2019). The assessment of workforce systems skill based on emplyment domain. Journal of Engineering Management ​(accepted with very minor change).
9. Hossain, N. *, Jaradat, R. A historical perspective on development of systems engineering: a review and analysis. Journal of Science and Systems Engineering (accepted with changes).
10. Hossain, N. *, Nur, F. *, Jaradat, R., Hosseini, S., Marufuzzaman, M., & Puryear, S. (2019). A Bayesian network based approach for modeling and assessing resilience: a case study of a full service deep water port. Reliability Engineering & System safety Jornal, 189, 378-396.
11. Hossain, N. *, Nur, F. *, Jaradat, R., Hosseini, S., Marufuzzaman, M., Puryear, S., & Buchanan, R. (2019). Metrics for assessing overall performance of inland waterway ports: A Bayesian network based approach. Complexity Journal, is invited for a special isse with free charge).
12. Alfaqiri, A., Hossain, N.*, Jaradat, R., Abutabenjeh, S., Keating, C., Khasawneh, M., & Pinto, A. (2019). A systemic approach for disruption risk assessment in oil and gas supply chains. International Journal of Critical infrastructures, 15, 230-259.
13. Hossain, N.*, Jaradat, R., Hosseini, S., Marufuzzaman, M., & Buchanan, R. (2019). A framework for modeling and assessing system resilience using a Bayesian network: a case study of an interdependent electrical infrastructure system. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 25, 62-83.
14. Nagahi, M., Nagahisarchoghaei, M., Soleimani, N., & Jaradat, R. (2018). Hedge strategies of corporate houses. Journal of Business Administration Research, 7, No 1
15. Quddus, M. *, Shahvari, O., Marufuzzaman, M., Usher, J. & Jaradat, R. (2018). A collaborative energy sharing optimization model among electric vehicle charging stations, commercial buildings, and power grid. Applied Energy, 229, 841-857.
16. Ma, J., Harstvedt, J. *, Dunaway, D. *, Bian, L., & Jaradat, R. (2018). An exploratory investigation of additively manufactured product life cycle sustainability assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 192, 55-70.
17. Abutabenjeh, S., & Jaradat, R. (2018). Clarification of research design, research methods, and research methodology: A guide for public administration researchers and practitioners. Teaching Public Administration, 36(3), 237-258.
18. Ma, J., Jaradat, R., Ashour, O., Hamilton, M., Jones, P. *, & Dayarathna, V*. (2018). Efficacy investigation of virtual reality teaching module in manufacturing system design course. Journal of Mechanical Design, 141(1), 012002.

19. Soleimani, N., Nagahi, M. *, Nagahisarchoghaei, M., & Jaradat, R. (2018). The relationship between personality types and the cognitive-metacognitive strategies. Journal of Studies in Education, 8, 29-44.
20. Jaradat, R., Keating, C., & Bradley, J. (2018). Individual capacity and organizational competency for systems thinking. IEEE Systems Journal, 12, 1203-1210.
21. Quddus, M.*, Hossain, N.*, Marufuzzaman, M., Jaradat, R., & Roni, M. (2017). Sustainable network design for multi-purpose pellet processing depots under biomass supply uncertainty. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 110, 462-483.
22. Jaradat, R., Adams, F., Abutabenjeh, S., & Keating, C. (2017). The complementary perspective of system of systems in collaboration, integration, and logistics: A value-chain based paradigm of supply chain management. Systems, 5, 50.
23. Calida, B., Jaradat, R., Abutabenjeh, S., & Keating, C. (2016). Governance in systems of systems: a systems-based model. International Journal of System of Systems Engineering, 7, 235-257.
24. Castelle, K., & Jaradat, R. (2016). Development of an instrument to assess capacity for systems thinking. Procedia Computer Science, 95, 80-86.
25. Jaradat, R. & Keating, C. (2016). Systems thinking capacity: implications and challenges for complex system governance development. International Journal of System of Systems Engineering, 7, 75-94.
26. Jaradat, R. & Pinto, A. (2015). Development of a framework to evaluate human risk in a complex problem domain. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 11, 148-166.
27. Jaradat, R. (2015). Complex system governance requires systems thinking-how to find systems thinkers. International Journal of System of Systems Engineering, 6, 53-70.

28. Jaradat, R., & Keating, C. (2014). Fragility of oil as a complex critical infrastructure problem. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 72, 86-99.
29. Katina, P., keating, C., & Jaradat, R. (2014). System requirements engineering in complex situations. Requirements Engineering Journal, 19, 45-62.
30. Jaradat, R., Keating, C., & Bradley, J. (2014). A histogram analysis for system of systems. International Journal of System of Systems Engineering, 5, 193-227.
31. Abutabenjeh, S., Calida, B., & Jaradat, R. (2012). Collective reflection on the PhD student’s journey: shades of techniques and epistemic pluralism. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 34, 274-278.
32. Katina, P., & Jaradat, R. (2012). A three-phase framework for elicitation of infrastructure requirements. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 4, 121-133.
Published Books and Book Chapters
1. Pinto C., Magpili, L., Jaradat, R. (2015). Operational Risk Management: a systems approach. Momentum Press, U.S.
2. Keating, C., Behnido, C., Jaradat, R., Katina, P. (2016). “Systems Thinking.” The Engineering Management Handbook, Merion, N., and Farr, V. ed, American Society of Engineering Management (ASEM).

Published Papers Conference Proceedings
Accepted based on peer review of full paper (underlining denotes presentation associated with paper and the presenter)
1. Nagahi, M. *, Hossain, N. *, Jaradat, R., Abutabanjeh, S., & Goerger, S. (2020). Do the practitioners’ level of systems-thinking skills differ across sector types? Proceedings of 14th Annual IEEE International Systems conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada April 20-23. (Accepted)
2. Kerr, C.*, Hossain, N. *, & Jaradat, R. (2020). Method for Non-Linear scaling of multi-criteria decision making attribute values. Proceedings of 14th Annual IEEE International Systems conference, Montreal, Quebec, April 20-23. (Accepted)
3. Hossain, N. *, Nagahi, M. *, Jaradat, R., & Keating, C. (2019). Development of a new instrument to assess the performance of systems engineers. Fourth North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operation Management , Toronto, Canada, October 23-25.
**** Received Best Paper Award- Third place
4. Lawrence, J. *, Hossain, N. *, Nahagi, M. *, & Jaradat, R. (2019). Impact of cloud-based applied supply chain network simulation tool on developing systems thinking skills of undergraduate students. Fourth North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operation Management , Toronto, Canada, October 23-25.
**** Received Best Paper Award- Third place
5. Keating, C., Katina, P, Jaradat, R., Bradley, J., & Hodge, R. (2019). Framework for improving complex system performance. In INCOSE International Symposium (Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 1218-1232). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
6. Hossain, N. *, Jaradat, R., Marufuzzaman, M., Buchanan, R., & Rinaudo C. (2019). Assessing oil and gas supply chain resilience: Bayesian Network approach. Proceedings of the 2019 Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference, Orlando, FL, May 19-23.

7. Nagahi, M.*, Hossain, N.*, & Jaradat, R., (2019). Gender differences in practitioners' preferences for systems-thinking skills. Proceeding of 2019 American Society for Engineering Management International Annual Conference and 40th Annual Meeting, Pheladelphia, PA, October 23-26.
8. Hamilton, M., Mirabolghasemi, M., Wall, E., Jones, P., Jaradat, R., and Cole, D. (2019). Understanding the effectiveness of using VR to support teaching drilling trajectory concepts. Proceedings of the 2019 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), Tampa, FL, June 16-19. (paper is accepted)
9. Stirgus, E.*, Nagahi, M.*, Ma, J., Jaradat, R., Strawderman, L., & Eaking, D. (2019). Determinants of systems thinking in college engineering students: research initiation. Proceedings of the 126th Annual Conference & Exposition American Society for Engineering Education, Tampa, FL, June 16-19.

10. Jaradat, R., Hamilton, M., Dayarathna, V.*, Wall, E., Karam, S, Jones, P., and Hsu, G. (2019). Measuring Individuals’ systems thinking skills through the development of an immersive virtual reality complex system scenarios. Proceedings of the 2019 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), Tampa, FL, June 16-19. (paper is accepted)
11. Nagahi, M.*, Hossain, N.*, Jaradat, R., & Grogan, S.*, (2019). Moderation effect of managerial experience on the level of systems-thinking skills. In proceeding of the 13th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference, Orlando, FL, April, 8-10.
12. Hamilton, M., Jaradat, R., Dayarathna, V.*, Wall, E., & Jones, P*. (2018). Immersive virtual training environment for teaching single and multi-queuing theory industrial engineering queuing theory concepts. Proceedings of the 2018 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), Salt City, Utah, June, 24-26.
***Received Industrial Engineering Division’s (IED) Best Paper Award
***Received the New IE Educator Outstanding Paper Award,
***Received best paper for the Professional Interest Council 1 (PIC 1))
13. Hossain, N.*, & Jaradat, R. (2018). A synthesis of definitions for systems engineering. Proceedings of the 2018 International Annual Conference of American Society for Engineering Management, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, October, 17-20.
14. Hossain, N.*, & Jaradat, R. (2018). Leveraging six sigma approach to reduce patient waiting time. Proceedings of the 2018 International Annual Conference of American Society for Engineering Management, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, October, 17-20.
15. Keating, C., Katina, P., Bradley, J., & Jaradat, R. (2018). Systemic intervention for complex system governance. Proceedings of the 28th Annual INCOSE International Symposium, Washington, DC, July, 7-12, 28, p. 1534-1548.
16. Keating, C., Katina, P., Joiner, F., Bradley, J., & Jaradat, R. (2018). A method for identification, representation, and assessment of complex system pathologies in acquisition programs. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium, Monterey, CA, May, 9-10, p. 500-524.
17. Keating, C., Katina, P., Pyne, J., & Jaradat, R. (2017). Systemic intervention for complex system governance development. Proceedings of the 2017 International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management, Huntsville, Alabama, October, 18-21, p. 258-268.
18. Keating, C., Bradley, J., Katina, P., & Jaradat, R. (2017). A systems theoretic-based framework to discover pathologies in acquisition system governance. Proceeding of the 14th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium, Monterey, CA, May, 9-10, p. 352-376.
19. Khasawneh, M., Jaradat, R., Tashtoush, T., Abutabenjeh, S., & Obeid, M. (2017). Modeling and simulation for public policy decision-making: A preliminary causal loop for the case study of legalized abortion and crime. Proceedings of the 2017 Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference (IISE), Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, May, 20-23, p. 115-121.
20. Hossain, N.*, Debusk, H.*, Hasan, M.*, & Jaradat, R. (2017). Reducing patient waiting time in an outpatient clinic: A discrete event simulation (DES) based approach. Proceedings of the 2017 Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference (IISE), Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, May, 20-23, p. 241-247.
21. Keating, C., Katina, P., Jaradat, R., Bradley, J., & Gheorghe, A. (2017). Acquisition system development: A complex system governance perspective. Proceedings of the INCOSE International Symposium, Adelaide, Australia, July, 15-20, 27, p. 811-825.
22. Farjana, N.*, Hossain, N.*, & Jaradat, R. (2016). An analytical study of hazards and risks in the shipbuilding industry. Proceedings of the 2017 International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management, North Carolinian, October, 26-29, p. 239-347.
23. Jaradat, R., Campbell, S.*, & Abutabenjeh, S. (2016). How to find systems thinkers? Proceeding of the 2016 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), New Orleans, TN, June, 26-29.
24. Farjana, N.*, Chowdhury, S.*, Bhuiyan, T.*, Quddus, M.*, Jaradat, R., & Purnell, R. (2016). Assessing the efficiency of 4-Way stops compared to traditional traffic signals: A simulation approach. Proceedings of the 2016 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (IISE), Anaheim, CA, May, 20-23.
25. Keating, C., & Jaradat, R. (2016). Systems thinking: A critical competency for addressing complex problems. Proceedings of the 206 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (IISE), Anaheim, CA, May, 20-23.
26. Asio, S., & Jaradat, R. (2016). Assessing team capabilities for systems thinking and collaborative innovation. Proceedings of the 2016 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference (IISE), Anaheim, CA, May, 20-23.
27. Jaradat, R., Khasawneh, M., & Shearer, N. (2012). Illegal immigration on the southern border: A system of systems problem. Proceedings of the 2012 International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management, Virginia Beach, VA, October, 17-20, p. 367-371.
28. Jaradat, R., Katina, P., & Gheorghe, A. (2012). Fragility of oil as a critical infrastructure. Proceedings of the 2012 International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management, Virginia Beach, VA, October, 17-20, p. 49-55.
29. Jaradat, R., & Kady, R. (2012). Integration system safety into system of systems. Proceedings of the 30th International System Safety Conference (ISSC): Thinking Outside the Box, Atlanta, Georgia, August, 6-10.
30. Jaradat, R., & Abutabenjeh, S. (2011). Imaginations cross disciplines: public administration and system of systems (SoS) perspectives. Proceedings of the 24th PAT-NET conference: Mythologies of Governing: Symbols, Stories, and Narratives, Public Administration Theory Network Conference, Norfolk, VA, May, 19-22.
31. Jaradat, R., & Katina, P., (2011). A synthesis of definitions for system of systems engineering. Proceedings of the 2012 International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management, Lubbock, Texas, October, 19-22, p. 589-596.
32. Calida, B., Jaradat, R., & Abutabenjeh, S. (2011). Shifting governance symbols the “myth of control” from a systems view. Proceedings of the 24th PAT-NET conference: Mythologies of Governing: Symbols, Stories, and Narratives, Public Administration Theory Network Conference, Norfolk, VA, May, 19-22.
33. Jaradat, R., & Katina, P., (2011). Complex system requirement engineering: A three-phase framework approach. Proceedings of the 2011 4th Annual Next Generation Infrastructures Conference (GIC), Virginia Beach, VA, November, 16-18, 2011.
34. Jaradat, R., & Kady, R. (2010). The value of human life in a monetary system. Proceedings of the 28th International System Safety Conference (ISSC): "Building Bridges to a Safer Future", embodies the principle that system safety is the key to creation of safer systems, services and products for the future, Minneapolis, MN, August 30- September 03, p. 245-250.
35. Elhassani, T., Zhang, J., Khasawneh, M., & Jaradat, R. (2010). The incorporation of layout design into an agent-based evacuation model. Proceeding of the 2010 Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization Student Capstone (VMASC) conference, Suffolk, VA, April, 8.
36. Khasawneh, M., Zhang, J., Shearer, N., Jaradat, R., Rodriguez-Velasquez, E., & Bowling, S. (2009). An exploratory study of the Butterfly Effect using agent-based modeling. Proceedings of the 2009 MODSIM World Conference and Expo, Virginia Beach, VA, October, 14 – 16.

Abstracts Accepted with Full Presentation
(underlining indicates presenter)
1. Hossain, N. *, Jaradat, R., & Nagahi, M. *, (2019). A Performance Measure Approach for Systems Engineers. 17th Annual Graduate Research Symposium, Mississippi State University. Miss State, MS.
2. Nagahi, M. *, Jaradat, R., & Hossain, N*. (2019). Personality Types and Systems Thinking Skills of Practitioners. 17th Annual Graduate Student Council Annual Research Symposium, Mississippi State University, MS.
*** Received Best Poster Award in Doctoral Student Category.
3. El Amrani, S. *, Hossain, N. *, Jaradat, R., & Marufuzzaman, M. (2019). Modelling and Assessing Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies using multi Echelon Bayesian Network: A Case Study of Mississippi Port and nearby Supply Chain Network. 17th Annual Graduate Research Symposium, Mississippi State University. Miss State, MS.
4. Hossain, N. *, Jaradat, R., & Nagahi, M*. (2019). How to Find Effective Systems Engineers? Fourth North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operation Management, Mississippi State University. Miss State, MS.
5. Nagahi, M. *, Jaradat, R., & Hossain, N*. (2019). How Personality Types Impacts Systems Thinking Skills of Individuals. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
6. Nagahi, M. *, Hossain, N. *, Jaradat, R., & El Amrani, S*. (2019). Does Job Experience Affect Managers’ Level of Systems-Thinking (ST) Skills? Mississippi Academy of Science Symposium, Mississippi State University. Miss State, MS.
7. Dayarathna, V. *, Karam, S. *, El Amrani S. *, Jaradat, R., Hamilton, M., Jones, P*., Wall, E., Hsu, G., & Hossain, N*. (2019). Measuring Individuals’ Systems Thinking Skills through the Development of an Immersive Virtual Reality Complex System Scenarios. Mississippi Academy of Science Symposium, Mississippi State University. Miss State, MS.
8. Hossain, N., Mimesh, H*., Nur, F., Jaradat, R., & Marufuzzaman, M. (2019). Assessing vulnerabilities of power systems using Bayesian network approach. 2019 Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference, Orlando, FL, May 19-23.
9. Hossain, N. *., El Amrani, S. *., Jaradat, R. *., Marufuzzaman, M. & Nagahi, M*. (2019). Modelling and Assessing Interdependencies between Critical Infrastructures: A Case Study of Mississippi Port and surrounding Supply Chain Network. Mississippi Academy of Science Symposium, Mississippi State University. Miss State, MS.
10. Hossain, N. *., Hasan, M. *., & Jaradat, R. (2019). Metrics for Selection of Additive Manufacturing Supplier using Multiscale Probabilistic Approach. Graduate Student Council Annual Research Symposium, University of Mississippi. Miss State, MS.
11. Hamilton, M., Jaradat, R., Dayarathna, V.*, Emily, W., & Jones, P*. (2018). Learning Industrial Concepts with Immersive Virtual Reality Experiences. Presented at the 2018 Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference (IISE), Orlando, FL, May, 19-22.
12. Jaradat, R., Baylot, A., Buchanan, R., & Rinaudo, C. (2018). The Development of a Holistic Multi-State Reliability Methodology. Presented at the 2018 Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference (IISE), Orlando, FL, May 19-22.
13. Nagahi, M.*, & Jaradat, R. (2017). Conducting CFA on Systems Thinking Instrument. Presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, October, 22-25.
14.Jaradat, R. (2016). Reliability in System of Systems. Presented at the Southeast Symposium on Contemporary Engineering Topics (SSCET), Jackson, MS, August, 27.
15. Alfaqiri, A., Hossian, N.*, Jaradat, R., & Pinto, C. (2016). A Systemic Approach for Assessing the Disruption Risks in the Oil and Gas Supply Chain. Presented at International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management, North Carolina, October, 26-29.
16. Quddus, A.*, Hossain, N.*, Maruffuzzaman, M., & Jaradat, R. (2016). Sustainable Network Design for Multi-Purpose Pallet Processing Depots under Biomass Supply Uncertainty. Presented at INFORMS Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, November, 13-16.
17. Jaradat, R., Keating, M., & Bradley, J. (2014). A Development of an Instrument to deal with Multidisciplinary Problems. IEE Annual Conference & Expo, Montréal, Canada, May 31-June 3.
18. butabenjeh, S., & Jaradat, R. (2011). The Role of Imagination in the Organization: Public Administration and System of Systems (SoS) Perspectives. Presented at the SECOPA Conference: Building Trust and Confidence in the Profession of Public Administration, New Orleans, LA, September, 21-24.
19. Jaradat, R., Kady, R., & Pinto, C. (2010). Development of a Framework to Evaluate Human Risk: Towards Sustainable Risk Management. Presented at International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management, Fayetteville, AR, October, 13-16.
1. Nagahi, M.*, Hossain, N.*, Jaradat, R., & El Amrani, S.*, (2019). Does Job Experience Affect Managers’ Level of Systems-Thinking Skills? Presented at the Mississippi Academy of Science (MAS) symposium. MSState, MS, July 10.
2. Hossain, N.*, El Amrani, S.*, Jaradat, R., & Nagahi, M.* (2019). Modeling and Assessing Interdependencies between Critical Infrastructures: A Case Study of Mississippi Port and Surrounding Supply Chain. Presented at the Mississippi Academy of Science (MAS) symposium. MSState, MS, July 10.
3. Dayarathna, V.*, Karam, S.*, El Amrani, S.*, Jaradat, R., Hamilton, M., Jones, P., Wall, E., Hsu, G., Hossain, N*. (2019). Measuring Individuals’ Systems Thinking Skills through the Development of an Immersive Virtual Reality Complex System Scenarios. Mississippi Academy of Science (MAS) Symposium, MSState, MS , July 10.
4. Hossain, N.*, Hasan, M., & Jaradat, R. (2019). Metrics for selection of additive manufacturing supplier using multiscale probabilistic approach. Graduate Student Council Annual Research Symposium, University of Mississippi, MS.
5. Nagahi, M.*, Hossain, N.*, and Jaradat, R. (2018). Classification of individual's systems skills/preferences based on organisational ownership structure. Presented at the Mississippi Academy of Science (MAS) symposium. Miss State, MS, July 26.
6. Hossain, N.*, Nagahi, M.*, and Jaradat, R. (2018). The effect of an individual's education level in their systems thinking skill in the systems of system domain. Presented at the Mississippi Academy of Science (MAS) symposium. Miss State, MS, July 26.
7. Hossain, N.*, Jaradat, R. and Marufuzzaman, M. (2018). Modelling and assessing resilience of an electrical infrastructure system using Bayesian approach. Presented at the Mississippi Academy of Science (MAS) symposium. Miss State, MS, July 26.

Published Technical Reports
(Government, University, or Industry)
1. Jaradat, R., Ma, J., Strawderman, L., Eakin, D & Nagahi, M.* (2019). “Research Initiation: Leveraging Systems Thinking to Enhance the Holistic Formation of Engineers”, NSF First-year Report, August 2019.
2. Marufuzzaman, M., Jaradat, R., Usher, J., Hill, T., and Saunders, C. (2018). “Simulation and Analysis of Material Flow”, FedEx Corporation Second-year Report, December 2018.
3. Jaradat, R., Marufuzzaman, M. (2018). “Line Balancing of Wall Oven Assembly Line”, Viking Corporation Project Final Report, August 2018.
4. Jaradat, R., Hamilton (2017). “Virtual Reality and System of Systems Skills”, Institute for Systems Engineering Research First-year Report, May 2017.
5. Jaradat, R. (2017). “Determine the Theoretical Foundations, Creation, and Validation of the Systems Thinking Instrument”, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers First-year Report, June 2017.
6. Jaradat, R., Linkan, B., Marufuzzaman, M. (2017). “System of Systems Reliability”, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers First-year Report, June 2017.
7. Linkan, B., Jaradat, R., Usher, J., Hill, T., and Saunders, C. (2017). “Simulation and Analysis of Material Flow”, FedEx Corporation First-year Report, January 2017.
8. Linkan, B., Marufuzzaman, M., and Jaradat, R. (2016). “Asset Tracking and Management”, FedEx Corporation Final Report, June 2016.
1. Hamilton, M., et al., Effects of BMI and task parameters on joint angle during simulated small parts assembly, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 43 (2013) 417-424.
2. Hamilton, M., “The future of the Aegis Combat System: Where Do Gestural Interfaces Fit in?” Warfare Systems Department Communicator, Vol 2, Issue 2, Feb 2013.
3. Hamilton, M., et al., Detecting Key Inter-Joint Distances and Anthropometry Effects for Static Gesture Development using Microsoft Kinect, Defense Technical Information Center, Accession Number: AD595180.
4. Baron, J., Hamilton, M., Creager, J., Zirax, J., Assessing Optimal Relationships Among Multi-Touch Gestures and Functions in Computer Applications, Defense Technical Information Center, Accession Number: ADA595782.
5. “Hamilton, M., et al., Detecting Key Inter-Joint Distances and Anthropometry Effects for Static Gestures Development using Optical Motion Tracking,” 2014 Human Factors and Ergonomics Annual Conference Publication (2014)
6. Hamilton, M., Strawderman, L., Hale, B., & Babski-Reeves, K. Effects of BMI and Task Parameters on Postural Sway during Simulated Small Parts Assembly. Ergonomics 2015, Vol 58, No 3, 504-512.
7. Hamilton, M., Mead, P., Kozub, M., & Feild, A Gesture Recognition Model for Robotic Systems of Military Squad Commands. 2016 Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) Publication (2016).
8. Babin, P. and Hamilton, M. “Visual Controls Reduce Variability at”, Proceedings of the 2007 Pursuit of Operational Excellence Lean and Quality Conference, Sept. 24-27, Atlanta, Georgia.
9. Eksioglu, B., Leggett, H., Nash, K., Strawderman, L., Hamilton, M. and Zhang, H. “Development of and Intermodal Transportation Training Program for Disaster Relief Agencies”, Proceedings of the 2010 INFORMS Meeting Conference, Nov 7-11, Austin, Texas.
10. Abdel-Malek, K., Arora, J., Bhatt, R., Marler, T., Squire, P., Hamilton, M., Henson, C. “Enhanced Technologies for Optimization of Warfighter Load (ETOWL) – Human Simulation Interface”, Proceedings of the 2014 International Summit on Human Simulation 2014, May 20-22, Tokyo, Japan.
11. Field, A., Hamilton, M., Mead, P., “Goal Reaching Kinematic Chain Using a General Purpose Inverse Kinematic Approach”, Proceedings of the 2015 INFORMS Meeting Conference, Nov 1-4, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
12. Zhang, H., Strawderman, L., Nash, K., Leggett, H., Hamilton, M. A., & Eksioglu, B. (2010). Development of an Intermodal Transportation Training Program for Disaster Relief Agencies. INFORMS. Austin, TX.
13. Hamilton, M. A. (2017). Using Immersive Virtual Reality Technologies with Non-Haptic Control for Big Data Visualizations and TradeSpace Analytics. Defense Manufacturing Conference. Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida.
14. Hamilton, M. A. (2017). Virtual Reality Data Visualization Engine. Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group Meeting 71. FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center, Atlantic City, NJ.
15. Jaradat, R. M., Hamilton, M. A., Ashour, O., & Ma, J. (2017). Virtual Reality Implementation to Improve Systems Thinking Skills - An Engineering Education Case Study. Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference. Pittsburg, PA.
16. Hamilton, M. A. (2017). Vitural Reality Data Visualization Engine. Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group Meeting 71. FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center, Atlantic City, NJ.
17. Hamilton, M. A., Jaradat, R. M., Wall, E. S., Jones, P. B., Ray, D., & Dayarathna, V. (2018). Learning Industrial Engineering Concepts with Immersive Virtual Reality Experiences. Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference. Orlando, FL.
18. Hamilton, M. A., Jones, P. B., & Wall, E. S. (2018). Using Virtual Reality for Decision Reduction Visualizations of Large Datasets. Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference. Orlando, FL.
19. Hamilton, M. A., Jaradat, R. M., Jones, P. B., Wall, E. S., Dayarathna, V., Ray, D., & Hsu, G. (2018). Immersive Virtual Training Environment for Teaching Single and Multi-queuing Theory: Industrial Engineering Queuing Theory Concepts. 2018 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Salt Lake City, UT.
20. Ma, J., Jaradat, R., Ashour, O., Hamilton, M., Jones, P., and Dayarathna, V.L. (2018). “Efficacy Investigation of Virtual Reality Teaching Module in Manufacturing System Course”. ASME-Journal of Mechanical Design.
*Student Author
Lead author is listed first